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I am committed to helping people find satisfaction and fulfillment in their love lives. A former gymnast, championship tennis player, software engineer, and now a mother of two, I am passionate about helping people have the love, intimacy and responsible sexuality they desire.

I've spoken with hundreds of people about their relationships, many in pain and feeling hopeless about their intimate lives. With 18 years in a committed relationship and over 20 years of dating before and after, I now know it doesn’t have to be so hard. I’m delighted to be in a loving, committed partnership that has ease and passion, a relationship that keeps deepening and expanding my own growth. I believe it is totally possible for everyone to love their love life.

Besides graduating from Interchange Counseling Institute and being a certified Getting Real Coach, I have over a decade of experiential-based learning in communication, mediation, dance, conscious movement, mindfulness, love, intimacy, and sexuality. In my work coaching individual clients and facilitating groups, I bring authenticity, compassion and fun to the dating and mating game. 

I help my clients step into their unique and most powerful expression which enables them to find fulfillment in their love relationships.

Read more about me on InMenlo.com!